Monday, November 29, 2010

Pomegranate Parfait

This is more of an idea than a recipe.  I wanted to buy a pomegranate, but didn't know what to do with it.  So I made a parfait!  You could play with this and use whatever fruit and yogurt you'd like.  Here's what I did (served 3):

1 pomegranate, shelled
1 flat raspberries
1 banana, sliced
5 containers Yoplait light vanilla whipped yogurt
3 cookie sticks

Divide half of the fruit between 3 glasses
Put a container of whipped yogurt in each glass
Put the rest of the fruit on top of the yogurt
Top each glass with a little more yogurt
Put a cookie stick in each glass


1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. I never know what to do with a pomegranate either!
